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发布时间: 2021-08-09 14:15:11

㈠ 写一篇《糟糕的周末》 初三英语作文,随便翻译一下,好的话加分哦。要简洁有好哦,语法要对

Bad weekend
Is a weekend! A "and" the word as a plural phrases in here, but now is the rhythm of the rising level of s are more people hope it's arrival, the more we expect it to have more there......
The weekend! Mention it! The mood can directly from the low level rose to point, can let silence directly into a noise, can let the night dream directly to become a reality...

The last day of October and November's start a "associated with the special weekend last weekend in there, every weekend mood summary is different, and have more understanding, familiar with, intimate, sad, happy, depressed, speechless, angry, unforgettable, bad and a lot of words, a lot of people, many things, and many, many...... Last weekend at this time can only use four word to describe "bad + angry!!!!!!!" No pleasure of existence, early in the morning on Saturday to answer a phone I was very happy mood direct cool to grade point, night got a call couldn't find words to describe the mood at that time that there was no more talking down...................... On Sunday a new day must be new to start the new mood, morning 9:30 points to get up, to YangTaoFa a information, decided to go to his side looking for a house to rent, we sit around 10:00 flaring from 329 to bantian stop, go way going fairly well, the house also find satisfied. The only fly in the ointment is back home and sit a loop flaring 310-315 get on the car sat for two stood to our build meaning is going to take off in 350 and 370 to flaring fast, ring the person on the car much and very slowly...... Get off a 370 and 350 back to transfer flaring, flaring are going back to the point to 18:00 we three people after the home hungry cook, I fry, fry with Fried with power!!!!!!!!!! (how to eat?) But also for electricity, eat to rest after bathing, and no gas!!!!!!!!!! (no), after Yang said today that the gas is no. 1 we see our electric meter!!!! (we three will a rice cooker each month there are almost 200 yuan of how electricity and water??????? Come from???????) She the words sound just fell and go to see the electric meter, don't see don't know a look frightened to death, and last month to pay of single comparison of them really don't understand what it is logical, (secondhand the room east every month we dozens of black $utilities, you what conscience??????? So not tunnel)......

But fortunately bantian looking for a house to have the company of Yang tao, thank you very much for him!!!!!! After a while the power to go home, and in the evening at the gas that in half an hour to, but our dear secondhand the room east ah this bill ah to our home with your manager Yang to calculate this bill!


十月的最后一天,十一月的开始一个结与开特别关联的周未就在上周末出现了,每个周未的心情总结都是不一样的,有更多的认识,熟悉,亲密,伤心,开心,郁闷,无语,气愤,难忘,糟糕,很多话,很多人,很多事,很多很多.............上个周末此时只能用四个字来形容“糟糕+气愤!!!”没有一点愉悦感的存在,周六一大早接了个电话把我原本非常开心的心情直接凉到级点,晚上接到个电话没办法找到词来形容那时的心情更无话细谈下去…………… 周日新的一天必须新的开始新的心情,早上9:30分起床,给杨涛发了个信息,决定去他那边找房子租,10:00左右我们从大冲坐329到坂田车站下车,去程还算顺利,房子也找的还算满意,美中不足的是返程回大冲14:30坐了环线310-315上车坐了两个站给我们的建意是下车去坐350和370到大冲要快,环线车上的人多而且又非常非常慢.........下车转车坐370和350回大冲,回到大冲都快18:00点了到我们三个人的家后肚子饿了做饭吃,我炒菜,炒着炒着停电了!!!(怎么吃饭啊?)不过还好一会来电了,吃过后准备冲凉休息,又没煤气了!!!(无语),叫煤气之后杨说今天是1号我们去看看我们的电表吧!(我们三个就一个电饭煲每个月怎么有差不多200元的水电费???从何而来???)她话音刚落就去看电表,不看不知道一看吓死人,拿上个月交电费的单对照一下真是搞不懂那是什么逻辑来的,(二手房东每个月黑我们几十块钱的水电费,你良心何在啊???太不地道了)..................


㈡ 如何下载WORD

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4in1版(36.1M含word、excel、powerpoint、access),愿能给大家带来方便。由于此次使用微软自己的安装工具精简,所以兼容性较好,可在win98/me/2000/xp/2003下安装使用(如果WIN98下不能正常安装,那是因为你的系统里没有安装Windows Installer服务程序,请在安装office xp之前安装即可,其它系统不需要)。各版本除保留基本功能外,还保留了公式编辑器、图表工具、图形过滤器、部分powerpoint模版等office工具,精简了帮助文件、校对工具、部分模版、多语言支持等不常用或根本用不上的功能。

㈢ superme和supreme的区别,是两个单词或者两个意思还是有一个是错误的呢


Supreme Italia(又名 Supreme Barletta),一个厚颜无耻的意大利品牌,利用了 Supreme 与 James Jebbia 在品牌名称版权上的漏洞,「合法」制作 & 销售大量的假冒伪劣 Box Logo 单品至不同的潮店,达到了挣钱的目的。当小猿想打开它的网站感受一下这些Fake的“创意”时,发现了它依然处在构建状态,在页面停留五秒后还会自动帮浏览者转回去Supreme Nyc(官网)上,都不知道该笑还是该生气;而它的INSTAGRAM则是私密用户。

十分可恶的是这个Supreme Italia的爪牙已经伸向了世界各地的潮店以及那些不知道Supreme是何物的年轻人。最后,小编也有话说:作为一个Supreme死忠,我只能呵呵地说一声:终于有人为我们x宝的Fake Supreme提供先例,看来Supreme Guangzhou、Supreme Vietnam指日可待。我很难想象那些引入这个品牌的店铺,在我看来,这只会令它们的店铺形象受损,“你卖的Fake,你自己就是一间卖Fake的店子。”



Supreme于1994年诞生于美国纽约曼哈顿,由JamesJebbia创办。本意是至高无上的。正好那时街头文化兴起。滑板、涂鸦、hip-hop等街头文化大肆兴起,Supreme 起初以滑板运动为主轴,经过漫长的发展,逐渐成为街头文化到象征性品牌,其地位无可撼动。

很多人都知道Sup的潮流多以滑板相关的服装、滑板为主,其实Supreme的创意和设计可谓是无处不覆盖,让这波红色的潮流随处可见。钥匙扣,小刀,笔,指甲剪……在 Supreme 2017秋冬系列第二轮发售中,人气最高的单品非筷子莫属,以美国区为例,它的售罄时间为20秒,双11什么的,也没这么可怕。

签名式的红色塑胶玩具枪印上经典 Supreme Logo,并且能发射出钞票,虽然你我可能不懂这种酷炫的感觉,但这个价格带来的头疼你我都可以感同身受。


㈣ 微信分身版preim激活码验证



How can we ensure that they have a good impression of them? This is all areas of concern.

And how he will make a good impression on the future of the boyfriend, it is every girls should be of concern.

For many girls, to find a good boyfriend are crucial. And how can we find people envious of his boyfriend so happy?

First of all, to improve their personal qualities. With a high level of cultural quality to find a boyfriend.
Second, the attention to their personal image. Girls like to have girls. To have style, temperament.
Finally, pay attention to his behavior. Moment to reflect their own self-cultivation and connotations. Action civilization, elegant manner.

Be able to do the above. Will be able to attract a large number of good men. Can be encountered in the future the right people, left him with the most beautiful and best impression.


㈥ 华硕W7系统的电脑开机显示dpre

尊敬的华硕用户,您好! 根据您的描述,建议您参考以下信息:

1、恢复BIOS默认设置:在开机时出现ASUS画面时按F2键进入BIOS, 然后依次按下F9,回车,F10,回车,电脑会自动重新启动,恢复BIOS默认值完成。


3、若机器出厂预装win7系统的,尝试开机按F9 一键恢复系统试试看,具体操作请您参考:





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